
Welcome to Glenbar Gin's website. Most of the pages on this site are intended for our customers, the cotton growers of Graham, Greenlee and Cochise counties, Arizona. If you're not a cotton grower, you may be interested in the Cotton Basics page and you might like to know that we give free tours of the gin.

Office Hours 

Ginning Season*
Mon-Sat:  7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Closed Sun

Off Season
Mon-Thurs:  7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed Fri, Sat, Sun

*Ginning season is generally from mid-October to late December or early January

2009 Ginning Season

We ginned 27,868 Upland bales and 1,493 Pima bales in the 2009 season, giving a total of 29,361 bales. Classing statistics are available on the Statistics page.